It is possible for Pits to perform a reset lock combo at low percents. This combo can easily rack up 40%. Here is an example of the combo.
But how can I do it ? you ask me. And I will answer you that I have no idea. This is why I traveled to a very very far country, where the lag is soooo bad you cannot play online, to ask the man notorious for his footstool locks : ReRaze.
ReRaze ?
ReRaze ?
ReRaze : yo, what's up ?
Me : Can you explain me how you do that reset combo ?
ReRaze : Sure. The picture will be taken from that video I made.
The combo starts with a grab into Down throw.
The combo starts with a grab into Down throw.
You follow with a Down air (Buffer Fulll hop and Down air). You need to hit with the third hitbox. For the opponent to be knocked upward.
Keep the stick tilted forward to retain momentum. Unless you use Bidou, use the C stick to input the aerial.
You now footstool your opponent.
You now footstool your opponent.
You need to immediatly cancel the footstool with an airjump. That is because the height gained from airjump is less than the one gained from the footstool (because we are Pit). That difference is crucial to reach the opponent fast enough to reset him.
Once you reach the pick of the airjump, fast fall. And hit the opponent on the ground with the Dair.
And voilà ! The opponent will kindly stand up right in a position to hit him again.
Me : Oh neat ! But the opponent can tech it, can't he ? Or if he DIs ?
ReRaze : No he can't tech. He cannot tech the footstool nor the Dair because teching is not possible when lying on the floor.
It depens. Basically, the higher they are off the ground when the dair > footstool connects, the easier it is to react to DI. That mean : the floatier (fall speed) a character is or the less air speed he has, the easier it is to react. Some characters you have to make a guess/read. But on on some it is easily reactable with a bit of traininig.
You can go on to find the value of each characters.
Me : What do you recommend using after the opponent got resetted ?
ReRaze : Why not going for it again ? You can Dair into footstool on the ground on floatis. Here is an example.
Against fast fallers, I would Fthrow into Dair or Dash attack.
If you have a platform, you can Dair > Nair > land on the platform > followup.
Let your imagination flow~
Me : Neet ! Anything else you want to add ?
ReRaze :There are other ways to start the reset. For instance with a rising Dair on a grounded oponent.
But focus on your fundamentals first and stick to BnB combos like Dthrow > Usmash. Once you feel you're strong enough fundamentally then move on to these combos.
Now don't try the whole match to land that dair or footstool other wise you slip into tunnel vision and your overall gameplay suffers. Use it only when you see the opportunity arise. Slowly implement a tricky combo or two once in a while, notice what situations they are best used in and you'll get the hang of it eventually. Like, don't fish for the combos let it come naturally, try telling yourself to jump/footstool Out Of Shield instead of grab if they hit your shield with an aerial but don't chase people around trying to jump on their heads.
I've been watching alot of kamemushi and I see he doesn't fish for those stylish/broken combos he always gets he lets it come naturally, if he sees an opportunity he will take it otherwise he just maintains strong fundamentally based gameplay.
I practice this against level 9 CPU's. I started slow, if they mispaced an aerial I just practiced footstooling them, and then I added in footstool > dair and then I added other stuff. Lastly I practice against them because they have insane reaction times, I learn what I can and can't punish definitely
Me : Gotcha ! Thank you for the help !
ReRaze :

If there is anything missing, let me know ; or if you have any questions, you can ask ReRaze on the Pit Discord.
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