dimanche 29 juillet 2018

A better meaning for arrows offstage

Something I used to believe was that arrows' goal isto hit the opponent, either catching their double jumps or simply tackling a few percents. But because of airdodge, that is unreliable and I was just shooting arrows hoping I hit some lucky ones.

What if I tell you not hitting the opponent is the real goal.

mardi 13 février 2018

Bayonetta : what should we do ?

Bayonetta is the hot topic of the community. Again...
She is incredibly frustrating. Something needs to be done or the community will die...

dimanche 29 octobre 2017

Pit FAQ : What stage to pick ?

Frequently asked question : what stages are good for Pit ? The answer is : it depends on the opposite character (and your playstyle).

mercredi 14 juin 2017

Beating Fox's sideB with MultiMrGi

Fox' recovery is something one should learn to exploit to make the match up more even.
Dealing with upB is fairly straight forward (but still complex to execute) : you either jump offstage to hit him off his wind up, or you arrow him to death.
Meanwhile, sideB is much more complex to deal with as it is quicker and doesn't wind up. But don't worry, MultiMrGi is here to help you.

samedi 8 avril 2017

Visual representation of frame trapping (arrows)

This is only theory. I don't have any real footage on how frame trapping. If anyone have better experience over it, please tell me if it works.

 Arrows can be effective to frame trap as they have a very low cooldown when tossed from the air (only 19 frames) while covering a very large area.
Here is the scenario : Pit Downthrow, read the airdodge and punish with Dair which pops the Marth up (airjump used : 1) : https://youtu.be/CDGmz8nme6s?t=30s
We will frame trap the option : Fast fall toward the stage to recover from below.

dimanche 26 mars 2017

A list of guides that I find useful (last update : 25/11/17)

Llod's guide on improvement

Ledge trump


MIOM : Establishing tournament consistency
Five Things to Think About If You Want to Do Well at Tournaments
Approaching smash with a growth mindset
The Burden of Winning and a Sustainable Mindset (Smashbl0g)
Tourney Etiquette – Handshakes, Hygiene, Coaching, and more (Smashbl0g)
Mental Manipulation: How to Prepare Your Mind to Smash
Struggling? Take a break! (Inspiration post)  
Keep calm during tournaments
Maxman33's post on improvement 
The mentality behind a player in training


MIOM :  The Curse of the Two-Person Meta

mardi 24 janvier 2017

Characters archetype

Here is a list of all the characters archetypes.  And a list of the characters with the archetypes they belong to (can belong to multiple archetypes)

Archetype list

Feel free to leave your opinion at the bottom of the article.